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OPEN CALL: Transforming Justice

OPEN CALL: Transforming Justice

Our next event in October 2023 will explore how we can transform our approach to justice in today’s society. By examining the possible meanings of justice from different intersectional viewpoints, we aim to highlight the link between individual justice and collective liberation through engaging in critical dialogue. How can we address the systemic causes of injustice and transform society into a safe and joyous place for everyone? What is our collective responsibility in upholding systems that allow injustices to perpetuate? How can we reimagine justice as not simply the absence of violence, but the presence of the values, practices, and relationships we want and need?

We understand the transformation of justice by a large spectrum: examining root causes of injustices, cultivating accountability, healing community practices, rebuilding solidarities, reforming state and systemic responses to violence, deconstructing systemic harm and oppression, imagining futures beyond cycles of violence, rethinking the meaning of citizenship… The list goes on!

We are looking for submissions that reflect on the meaning of justice from transformative, restorative or imaginative angles. We welcome activist, artistic, and/or academic contributions. Both creative and traditional (academic) contributions are accepted and we have a particular interest in works that highlight the intersectional dimensions of justice. We also highly encourage collectives and/or grassroots organisations that work around these topics to share their knowledges.


1st of May 2023 (before midnight)


€100 per contributor (can be increased in case of high production costs)

Read the full open call with practical info here: