Call for Papers: interdisciplinary session on gender and housing
ENHR annual conference, 28-30th June 2023, University of Lodz, Poland
In the 1970s, the second wave of feminists chanted the slogan « the private is political ». Demands concerning women’s mental burden, work-life balance, domestic violence and reproductive rights
emerged throughout Europe and the United States. Anglo-Saxon feminist geographers have taking up these issues and produced research that combines gender and housing issues. Does space produce or reproduce gender inequalities? How are spaces occupied and appropriated by members of the same household? How do social roles impact on the uses of spaces? In recent years, the media coverage of feminist housing issues such as mental strain, work-life balance, the feminisation of poverty and domestic violence has created a renewed interest in analysing housing from a feminist perspective. The covid-19 confinement confirmed this trend and the necessity to analyse domestic space from a feminist perspective. To what extent is this need transferred into housing policies, laws and institutions? Do these structures reproduce gender inequalities, for example in access to the housing market? Why is female authorship of innovations in housing after the Frankfurt Kitchen invisible and unknown? This interdisciplinary special session on gender and housing aims to bring together researchers who mobilise feminist theories and concepts in a cross-cutting way to analyse their data, and/or carry out fieldwork on minority groups or communities (women, LGBTQIA+, migrants, etc.). We welcome contributions focusing on gender and all aspects of housing, and/or applying feminist methods, with the aim of making visible the wide scope of feminist housing research in Europe.
Please upload your abstract before March 13, 2023 via the conference registration form: selecting under preferred workshop: ‘special session gender and housing’
And send a copy of your abstract to:
Chloé Salembier
Lidewij Tummers