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Draw for Change! | « A Stroke of Freedom » – projection

Date: 25 November 2023 at 17:50

Place: Cinéma Aventure | rue des Fripers 15, Galerie du centre 57 bloc II, 1000 Bruxelles

Cartoonists play a critical role in our world of social media, populism and fake news, offering a unique perspective and voice that can help to cut through the noise and provide clarity in a sea of information. In this digital age of post-truth, the cartoon did not lose any of its power for social commentary and activism. On the contrary.

The series DRAW FOR CHANGE! showcases six female cartoonists from around the globe challenging societal boundaries and norms. In each episode, a cartoonist offers viewers a glimpse into her world, exposing not only the hurdles and perils she faces but also the bravery and wit essential for overcoming them. Filming took place in Mexico, Russia, India, Syria, Egypt [and the US], with each country offering distinct challenges, resulting in six episodes centered on themes like femicide, press freedom, and female representation. This series introduces resilient women who draw because it’s unthinkable not to. Despite job loss, intimidation, or death threats, they persist, contributing to incremental changes in their societies. Each film, directed by a distinguished female director linked to the subject’s country, seamlessly blends documentary, cartoons, and animation.

Doaa El-Adl, the first woman to be awarded the esteemed Journalistic Distinction in Caricature, serves as a catalyst for transformation within the predominantly male-dominated realm of Egyptian political cartoonists. Challenging patriarchal norms, she routinely confronts censorship, harassment, and even threats to her life. In a remarkable fusion of documentary, cartoons, and animation, Egyptian director Nada Riyadh breathes life into El-Adl’s most renowned works.

This dynamic and fearless presentation delves into the issue of violence against women, stretching the boundaries of freedom of speech in a society often characterized by restrictions. Through her exceptional talent, El-Adl not only champions women’s rights but also serves as an inspiration for societal change.

More information to come

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