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EUTOPIA Inclusion and Diversity Week

Eutopia is organizing its first Diversity week at the VUB. A forum to share innovations, build community, and collaborate to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in global education and cultural exchange. A forum solely dedicated to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion at our university.

All events are FREE, but registration is required.
In case of any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact cheyma.al.mehraj@vub.be
Location: Campus Etterbeek, online and The Urban Woman (Rue Bosquet 47-49, 1060 Brussel)


Monday 14/11 19:00-20:30: Biweekly talk with WedecolonizeVUB @WedecolonizeVUB library
Tuesday 15/11 11:00-13:00: « Decolonizing curricula and insights on doing research as a woman of color » with Christil Asamoah (LUNCH provided) @WedecolonizeVUB library
Wednesday 16/11 10:00-12:00: « Equality, Inclusion, Diversity officers, let’s meet up » Equality officers meeting – across 10 European universities (ZOOM)
Thursday 17/11 14:00-16:00 : « Inclusion and mental wellbeing » with student psychologist Brenda Anyango @WedecolonizeLibrary (VUB Etterbeek)
Thursday 17/11 16:00-18:00: Student Career Ambassador workshop: « How to find your talents and fuel your purpose » with Bouchra Al Mehraj @The Urban Woman
Thursday 17/11 18:00-22:00: After work party and walking dinner with Saidou Music @The Urban Woman 

Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdQS6x7SSqUpLBdvW2wjqH318IxVHg-e-vXRM6uA65MLEuShw/viewform

Inclusion is one of the key principles of the EUTOPIA alliance To celebrate that and the three years of work that the inclusion task force has put into building a more inclusive university, EUTOPIA is organizing an Inclusion and Diversity Week on November 14th – 18th across the campuses of the VUB, CY Cergy Paris University, the Universities of Gothenburg, Ljubljana, and Warwick, the UPF, as well as online.

More info: https://eutopia-university.eu/english-version/about-us/mission-and-vision/inclusion/eutopia-inclusion-and-diversity-week