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‘Gender Based Violence and Migration in Times of Covid-19. Perspectives from across the Globe’

MPC Webinar Series

‘Gender Based Violence and Migration in Times of Covid-19. Perspectives from across the Globe’

Wednesday 1 July 2020 @15:00 – 16:30, CET

The link to the Webinar will be providedfollowing registration.


The current health crisis has exposed and deepened existing inequalities; and it is a crisis that is, in many ways, gendered. Many essential (migrant) workers are female. The crisis has also greatly exacerbated women’s vulnerability to sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Unemployment, economic downturn, and restricted mobility in the wake of the current health crisis is likely to result in more human trafficking and more risky migration journeys. This again has gendered implications. Women are disproportionally trafficked, which often exposes them to sexual exploitation. Conditions of receptions and the lack of social support networks and impeded access to public support services in receiving countries can also aggravate the vulnerability of migrant women to SGBV. In this upcoming webinar, we will discuss this issue with academic experts and practitioners. What do we know about sexual and gender-based violence in a migration setting? How has the health crisis affected the exposure of female migrants and refugees to violence? The rich expertise of our speakers from different world regions provides a unique opportunity to discuss this important phenomenon from a truly global perspective.

The Webinar will include the following presentations and speakers;

  • ‘Violence against Migrant Domestic Workers in the context of COVID-19 and Beyond’, by Jean D’ Cunha, UN Women Senior Global Advisor on International Migration, Regional Office for Arab States
  • Gender-Based Violence, Migration and Refugees’, by Jane Freedman, Professor, Université Paris 8, CRESPPA-GTM
  •  ‘Accumulative violence: forced migration, SGBV and COVID-19’, by Jenny Phillimore, Professor, Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology, University of Birmingham
  • ‘Temporary migration and family violence in Australia: the impact of COVID-19’, by Marie Segrave, Monash University Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre
  • Gender Based Violence and Migration in socially vulnerable areas of La Matanza- Argentina in the context of COVID- 19′, by Paula Tortosa, MUCHIS (Mujeres Unidas Cambiando Historias)- La Matanza-Buenos Aires

Chair: Leila Hadj Abdou, Migration Policy Centre, RSCAS, EUI

For more information, visit the event page here



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