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Gender Matters: The Art of Feminism

Art has been an important tool of feminism, but feminist artists have to increasingly operate in a world characterized by a patriarchal backlash. Can there be an art of feminism or perhaps a feminism of the art in the current predicament? How can one incorporate or manifest feminism in an art practice? What counts as feminist art, and who decides this?

This event is part of The New School’s Gender & Sexualities Studies Institute’s 2021 Gender Matters Symposium. The purpose of this symposium is to gather all New School faculty working on gender and sexuality studies in order to share ideas and visions for the new Gender & Sexualities Studies Institute while building bridges between the different divisions and schools. By facilitating discussions between faculty and bringing in external keynote speakers, we aim to nurture a vibrant GSSI community internally but also build connections and bridges with the outside world, joining efforts to promote existing gender and sexualities studies.

Speakers: Stefania De Kenessay, Vanessa Place, Mary Kelly, and Andrea Geyer. Moderated by Chiara Bottici.

Registered attendees will receive the Zoom link via email.