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Gendered constraints to cultural participation and leisure time

Studies show that women not only have less leisure time than men, they also experience less qualitative leisure time. On the other hand, research shows women have a higher participation rate than men for most cultural activities. Using the Participationsurvey and Flemish Time-use data, this research will try to unveil what constraints are experienced by women and men both in general leisure time, but also for specific activities such as cultural participation. For now, analyses are quantitative, but we are thinking about opening up and doing a qualitative part for better understanding the meaning and experiences of leisure time for women.

Franne Mullens obtained her master’s degree in Communication Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2014. She also holds a master’s degree in Gender and Diversity. Franne joined the TOR Research Group in January 2017 and is involved in the Kenniscentrum cultuur- en mediaparticipatie. Her main research interests include cultural sociology, media sociology, (gender) equality/inequality and intersectionality.