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Home-based Telework and the Gender Pay Gap. The Relevance of Different Forms of Implementation.

Home-based telework is increasingly discussed as a solution for problems in reconciling demands in work and personal life. It is, however, unclear to what extent home-based telework can also contribute to reducing the gender wage gap.

In the presentation Anja Abendroth will argue that home-based telework can contribute to reducing the gender pay gap but can also increase it. It is important how home-based telework is implemented in workplaces depending on existing norms of the ideal worker. Four forms of implementation are addressed in their relevance for the gender wage gap: (a) incomplete implementation, (b) implementations as stigmatization, (c) as blurred boundaries, and (d) as supportive. The results that will be presented are based on organizational fixed-effect models based on a representative sample of employees in large workplaces in Germany.

About the lecturer

Anja-Kristin Abendroth is Junior-Professor at the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University, Germany. Her research interests include interdependencies between work and personal life, gender inequalities, organizational and national inequality regimes, and the digitalization of work. Currently she is one of the project leaders of the project “Organizational Inequalities and Interdependencies Between Capabilities in Work and Personal Life: A Study of Employees in Different Work Organizations” funded by the German Science Foundation and part of the interdisciplinary research collaboration “Digital Future.”


The event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. The event will be followed by drinks.