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The Next Wave Academy: registrations are open!

Do you want to meet fellow young changemakers? Do you want to discover more about the intersections between social and ecological (in)justice? Do you want to take action?

After three editions of Feminist Lab, we are ready for a new take on this project: The Next Wave Academy!


The Next Wave Academy is a learning journey for young changemakers (aged 18-30).

Together we search for solutions and answers to today’s challenges regarding social and ecological (in)justice.


It’s all connected: the struggle for an anti-racist society, the struggle for gender equality, the struggle for LGBTQI+ rights, the struggle for the rights of people with disabilities, the struggle for animal rights, the struggle for the climate … Seeing all these struggles can be overwhelming. It is often difficult to have a ready-made answer and/or to know what you can do to contribute to social change.

The Next Wave Academy (TNWA) therefore wants to bring together young people (18-30 years old) who have a lot of questions. How can I contribute? What does intersectionality mean and how do I put it into practice? How can we take action that takes everyone into account? How can I change fixed thinking patterns in my environment and in myself? How can I make my voice heard? Together we will search for answers. We will give you the tools to take action based on your ideas together with others and thus contribute to change.

Everybody (cis/trans women, cis/trans men, non-binary people) between 18 and 30 is welcome to participate in TNWA. However, we feel it is very important to build a group of people with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Today’s challenges disproportionately affect people from marginalised groups (such as people of colour, LGBTQI+, people with disabilities, women…). We believe it is essential to put the voices of these groups at the heart of the work we do, to include as many interests as possible. So we are encouraging people belonging to these groups to apply.

The Next Wave Academy is a safer space, where we will not tolerate any form of discriminatory behaviour or language, such as racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, …

Do you still have questions about The Next Wave Academy? We have tried to answer the frequently asked questions here.