Utrecht Summer School Course – The Intersectional Posthumanities
Call for Applications
The Intersectional Posthumanities
Utrecht Summer School Course by Prof. Rosi Braidotti
Theme and structure The course will build on the tradition of neo-materialist, critical, intersectional feminist posthuman theory that Braidotti is internationally known for. The course will depart from the to understand the connections between multiply differing human and nonhuman subjects, while also working to avoid the too-often seen compartmentalization of the environmental humanities, the digital humanities, and questions of social justice and equality, the School will analyze the multiple intersections between these fields of focus. Essential will be the methodological implications of posthuman scholarship in the Humanities across a broad inter-disciplinary range. The course offers a selected overview of the key literature in fields that include philosophy, literature, law, media, pedagogy, postcolonial theory and the arts. Mindful of the patterns of exclusion of the sexualised, racialised and naturalised “others” that were not recognised as belonging to humanity, special attention is devoted to perspectives emerging from Black and Indigenous epistemologies. The other focus is on the efforts to think beyond anthropocentrism, by expanding the notion of subjectivity into an embodied, embedded, relational and affective assembly interconnected with human and non-human entities.The 2023 intensive Summer School course aims to dig deeper into the methodological innovations introduced by posthuman critical theory, defined as the convergence of critiques of Humanism and critiques of Anthropocentrism. This critical approach introduces new themes and objects of enquiries, but what does it do in terms of methods and approaches? What sort of qualitative transformations are entailed by a critical posthuman framework? Thew course will explore approaches such as: transversal methodologies; neo-materialism; the new empiricisms; current textual practices; non-representational theories; inter/trans and post-disciplinarity; methods to exit colonialism; critical feminist theory and art practices as research methods. The participants will be invited to discuss and present work related to their own research topics and experiences.The course will take place in person, at Utrecht University. For more information with regard to housing and financesFor more information regarding the school and the tutors, you can find us on Instagram @posthumansummerschool.
For non-students the transcript of grades is not necessary (you can upload an empty document), but please specify your degree on your CV. Reference letters are required for all applications.
Equally, please specify in your motivation if you would be willing to participate in a panel discussion during the summer school.
For this course you are required to upload the following documents when applying:
• Motivation Letter
• C.V.
• Transcript of Grades
• Reference Letter(s)
Competition for registration is high so you are advised to apply early, as places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Confirmed Lecturers:
Prof. Rosi Braidotti (Utrecht University), Dr. Simone Bignall (University of
Technology Sydney), Dr. Ruth Clemens (Utrecht University and Glasgow
University), Dr. Emily Jones (University of Essex), Dr. Kay Sidebottom (Stirling
University), Dr. Fiona Hillary (RMIT University), Goda Klumbyte (University of
Kassel), Jasmijn Leeuwenkamp (Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis).
Assigned reading
• More Posthuman Glossary (Bloomsbury Academic 2022), by Rosi Braidotti,
Emily Jones and Goda Klumbyte.
• Posthuman Feminism (Polity Press, 2021), by Rosi Braidotti
• Posthuman Knowledge (Polity Press, 2019), by Rosi Braidotti
Background reading
o The Posthuman (Polity Press, 2013), by Rosi Braidotti
o Selected entries from the Posthuman Glossary (Bloomsbury Academic 2018),
edited by Rosi Braidotti and Maria Hlavajova
Application procedure
Course fees Course fee for students: €750
Course fee for non-students: €1000
Application deadline: June 1, 2023.
For more information, feel free to contact PosthumanSummerschool@uu.nl
• Due to high demand, applications are approved on a first come, first servedbasis
• When maximum participation is reached, the applications will be closed
• Your registration is finalized only after the fees have been paid
• You are expected to do the background reading before the start of the course
• You are expected to buy the assigned books by Braidotti
• Apply via this link