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+32 (0)2 229 38 69

Middaglijnstraat 10, 1210 Brussels


Tea time at AGS

The Atelier Genre(s) & Sexualité(s) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles is launching a monthly webinar (on Zoom) for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers working on issues related to gender and sexuality.

Given the current context, the main objective of this webinar is to allow young researchers on gender and sexuality, who sometimes find themselves isolated in their own institution, to connect with a community of specialists in their field, and to disseminate their work in a safe space.

This webinar will be held on a monthly basis from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., between January and June 2021. The 20-minute papers will be gathered by themes.

Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in Belgian universities working on issues related to gender and sexuality are invited to send their paper proposal by November 1, 2020. To submit a paper, please send an abstract (100-250 words) and a short CV to ags@ulb.ac.be.