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Suivez nous Sophia, réseau belge des études de genre

+32 (0)2 229 38 69

Rue du Méridien 10, 1210 Bruxelles


Junior Network


A network of junior researchers and early-career scholars affiliated to all Belgian universities, who are interested or engaged in feminist research and gender studies.


→  Offer a welcoming and informal space for junior researchers that is built on mutual respect, confidentiality, sustainability, and work-life balance

Promote and enhance research and network-building by setting up a platform that allows network members to connect with other (junior and senior) academics, activist groups, and public institutions

Contribute to the production of a “feminist knowledge” outside the neoliberal university, with a focus on creating collaborative research tools and collective intelligence

Facilitate conversations on ethical productions of knowledge that embrace pluralistic, plurilinguistic, and reflexive ways of doing research


Sophia facilitates regular network meetings with various themes: informal get-togethers, co-organizing colloquium programs, academic support etc. The direction of each meeting is adapted to the wants and needs of the network members.

The Junior Network welcomes anyone interested to join or organize activities, including (prospective) Master’s students. We are autonomous of Sophia, though not institutionally independent.


The Network hosts regular offline and online meetings and informal get-togethers.

Our recent meetings:

  • May 9th 2024 – Informal drinks
  • June 22th 2022 – Junior Network summer meetup: meet the Sophia board!
  • January 25th 2022 – New Year’s meetup
  • October 5th 2021 – informal drinks
  • March 31st 2021 – Junior Network: What’s Next?

We also collaborate with Sophia on the conceptualization and organization of events or conferences.

Our recent conferences: 

Keep in touch

Join our mailing list to receive updates about the Junior Network. Send us an email at info@sophia.be and you will receive an invitation to the mailing list!