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Call for papers – 30th IAFFE Annual Conference


30th IAFFE Annual Conference | June 29-July 1, 2022

The current pandemic has brought attention to the need for international cooperation to help mitigate the impact of the pandemic and produce an inclusive recovery. The far-reaching consequences of COVID-19 on local, national, and global economies have yet to be fully realized but the pandemic has clearly exacerbated existing sex, gender, race, caste and other inequalities. There has been a global surge in cases of domestic violence and an exponential increase in the burden of women’s care and domestic work, both paid and unpaid, which enables the continuation of daily life.  The pandemic has generated massive losses in lives, impacted people’s health, disrupted markets and livelihoods, and created profound reverberations in the home.

The pandemic has also demonstrated the imperative for a close look at the normative foundations of our economic decisions – as we have faced stark trade-offs between economic activities, resources, and human lives – along with other things we value outside of the monetized market economy. The human rights framework provides one ethical lens to evaluate economic and social policy, developed through decades of public deliberation and reasoning in an international setting. Globally, attention is being paid for the need to redirect international economic governance institutions towards a strategy that will ensure inclusion and equity both within and among nations. There is also an urgency to advocate for a global economy that puts the primacy of human rights, well-being of the planet and inclusive and sustainable economies at the core.

The global fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic is deeply connected with the kinds of issues that feminist economists have long investigated and can afford a deeper understanding of the crisis itself. The feminist economic analysis highlights the interconnected gender dynamics of work, social protection, macro-economic policy including issues such as debt, sustainability and overall well-being, and contributes to a fairer and gender-responsive COVID-19 recovery.

This conference will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, the perfect place to explore these issues and bring a feminist economic analysis to deliberations on building a more just and sustainable post-Covid world.

The 2022 IAFFE Annual Conference will provide a forum for scholarship and inquiry that recognizes the methodological pluralism of our field. We define our field broadly and welcome research that brings a feminist lens to topics both micro and macro, local and global. We invite you to join us for this in-person (with hybrid access) conference, hosted by IAFFE and the Gender Centre at The Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland.

We solicit paper, session and panel proposals that engage with links between theory and action on these topics as well as on a broader range of feminist inquiry into economic phenomena. Proposals with an interdisciplinary character are especially welcome.


Submissions will open in early January. Abstracts (400 words max.) must be submitted online via the IAFFE website. Submissions can be made for individual papers, organized sessions of papers, or panels and roundtables. Submissions can be made in English, French or Spanish. We expect to have simultaneous interpretation provided for conference plenaries and for many of the sessions. Participants are limited to one paper presentation and one roundtable/panel appearance. Additional co-authored papers are allowed only if they are presented by the co-author. These limitations allow maximum participation by all members wishing to participate. Please see the IAFFE website, www.iaffe.org, for more submission guidelines.

Deadline: 15 march 2022

More information: Call for papers – 30th IAFFE Annual Conference: Gender Campus