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Call for Submissions for Meridians’ Special Issue BIPOC Europe

BIPOC Europe

Special Issue for Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism

Nana Osei-Kofi and Shirley Anne Tate

Scholarship and activism that center Black feminist thought, Women-of-Color feminisms, Indigenous feminisms, and Queer of Color critiques in the European context, while not new, are often overshadowed by white European feminism and white European queer theorization on the one hand, and US-centric scholarship and activism on the other. As an example of this reality, in one of the few edited volumes to take up Black feminism from a European perspective, Akwugo Emejulu and Francesca Sobande (2019) note that “too often, when we think of Black feminist theory and activism, we look to the particular Black American experience and seek to universalize and apply it to Europe [,]….[a] dynamic…[that among other things] erase[s]…long histories of anti-imperialist struggles of Black feminists located across various European empires” (p. 5).

As part of a corrective to the ways European scholarly and activist practices that take up, inform, and expand Black feminist thought, Indigenous feminisms, Women-of-Color feminisms, and Queer of Color critiques are often either overlooked and/or inaccurately deemed absent, this special issue invites contributions that center these perspectives and are grounded in the European scholarly and activist experience.

We invite interdisciplinary, collaborative, and activist submissions that take up critical perspectives grounded in the European experience, by and about Black women, Indigenous women, Women-of-color, and Queer folx of color; and while we recognize that the type of work we are seeking is at times connected in meaningful ways to theories and practices that originate in North America, we are interested in submissions that are specific to Europe in ways that go far beyond the overlaying of US-centric frameworks onto the European context, and that transcend comparative perspective vis-à-vis the United States.

We welcome a broad range of proposals, including single-authored or collaborative works in the forms of scholarly essays, personal interviews, poetry, visual art, photo essays, political manifestos, position papers, or archival documents that are of significance to the subject matter of this special issue. We are interested in submissions that take up historical perspectives on minoritized feminist and queer struggles, as well as those that take up current conditions, including matters related to Black Lives Matter (blm), covid-19, the rise of neo-fascism, anti-Muslimism, anti-Roma racism, and the so-called “refugee crises” in Europe.

Please upload your submissions by December 15, 2021 to Meridians’ editorial manager: https://www.editorialmanager.com/meridians/default.aspx. Select “BIPOC Europe” from the drop-down list. Please note that submissions should be formatted using Chicago Manual Style 17, should include an abstract and keywords, and must not include any author identifying information, as all manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed. For questions about the manuscript review process, email nana.osei-kofi@oregonstate.edu and shirleya@ualberta.ca.

See https://sophia.smith.edu/meridians/submissions/call-for-submissions/ for submissions guidelines