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NOISE Summer School 2024 – Queer Death Studies: Loss and Grief in Contemporary Bio- and Necropolitics

Date: 26 – 30 August 2024

Place: Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Deadline for registration: April 30, 2024

Please download the NOISE 2024 Application form and send it to: noise@uu.nl

More information on the programme

How are grief, loss and death conceptualized in the fields of queer feminist, posthuman and eco-critical, anti-racist and post- and decolonial studies, and what do these distinct, yet resonant, onto-epistemologies offer for critical and explorative engagements with contemporary socio-political realities?

What insights do contemporary landscapes of death—their formations, their organizations, their rationalizations—provide about the exclusionary and hierarchical operationalization of life? And how else can being be envisioned to disperse ethics beyond the liberal subject?

What forms could a politics of loss take when scaled across individual and collective experience as well as localized and planetary visions? And what modes of resistance and living otherwise take shape and are practiced across these spatial and temporal differentiations?

Embedded in the emerging field of Queer Death Studies, this year’s NOISE summer school focuses on the topics of loss and grief by bringing perspectives from the fields of queer feminist, posthuman and eco-critical, anti-racist and post- and decolonial studies to bear on contemporary questions, practices and politics of life and death.