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Planning and Implementing Gender Equality Plans

Gender Equality Academy Summer School at the Central European University

5–9 July 2021

Type of course: professional development; practice oriented

Faculty list

  • Andrea Krizsán, Associate Professor, Central European University (Co-director)
  • Dorottya Rédai, Research Fellow, Central European University (Co-director)
  • Ana Belen Amil, Gender Equality Officer, Central European University

Short description

Gender Equality Plans (GEP) are a precondition for research and higher education institutions toapply for EC Horizon Europe research funding starting from the 2021 funding cycle. This summercourse is targeted at participants from higher education institutions and aims to provide the basicskills and knowledge to develop and implement GEPs. In line with the mission of Central European University, the course places a strong, but not exclusive, emphasis on bringing together professionals working in higher education in post-communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe and aims to contribute to extending the network of gender equality professionals working in higher education institutions in the region. 

The course builds on a structural understanding of gender inequalities, stereotypes and biases in research. It is grounded in the need to tackle gender inequality in its complex, multi-layered dimensions with a strategic view in mind and a holistic set of measures. In line with principles endorsed by the European Commission, we propose Gender Equality Plans as key tools for structural change. We do this while recognizing that the scope of such plans may strongly vary, depending on the type of organization, the institutional context in which it is implemented, the disciplines addressed or the type of gender biases and inequalities identified in the specific institution. 

The course will familiarize participants with different manifestations of gender inequality in higher education institutions and provide them with conceptual and practical tools to diagnose the state of gender equality in their own institutions and communicate findings in strategic ways. It will familiarize with designing and implementing GEPs to tackle problematic areas and monitor the results of implemented actions. The roadmap for GEPs will be explored in detail, including strategies to build institutional alliances with key stakeholders, handling resistances to gender equality and ensuring leadership support.


The course runs in the framework of and is supported with expertise and financial resources by the Gender Equality Academy (GE Academy) project funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission. The course will aim to run on-site at the Budapest campus of Central European University. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is possible that the course will be offered in an online format. A final decision about the format will be made by 15 May, 2021.

Teaching methods and learning outcomes

The course will be primarily based on interactive methods with knowledge derived from and shared within frameworks devised by experienced trainers. Participants will be expected to actively participate in all sessions, collaborate with trainers and fellow participants and share and discuss their relevant knowledge and experiences. Throughout the week participants will work on developing their ideas about paths of action towards initiating institutional gender equality change in their home institutions. Their 3-5 page plans on these aspects will be one of the main outcomes, and the main form of assessment for participants. 

Learning objectives

  • Sensitising about key areas of gender inequality in higher education;
  • Familiarising with methods of diagnosing gender inequality in higher education contexts, including methods for collecting and analysing data;
  • Familiarising with the concept of gender equality planning and its main stages;
  • Familiarising with processes of setting up gender equality plans (GEPs) including strategies, resistances and tools to cope with them;
  • Familiarizing with prerequisites and key success factors;
  • Building capacity for stakeholder mobilization;
  • Building capacity for ongoing monitoring of gender equality action;
  • Familiarising with resources, information platforms and funding opportunities for gender equality practitioners in higher education;
  • Networking with other change agents from across Europe; joining the European community of practice.

Target groups

Academic staff, Gender Equality/Diversity/Equal Opportunity Officers and Senior Managers, Human Resources Officers, members of Gender Equality Plan teams, mid-level managers, team or unit leaders affiliated with higher education institutions in Central Eastern Europe and ideally in positions that allow them to initiate action that makes the implementation of a GEP feasible. Maximum number of participants: 24.

In case the course is delivered on-site, 10 scholarships (travel and accommodation) will be available for candidates from the Central and Eastern European region on a competitive basis. 

We encourage tandems to apply from the same institution, as we envision a more efficient implementation of GEPs if more than one person per institution is trained in this area, but it is not a mandatory requirement.

Application requirements

  • Completed application form
  • Including a statement of purpose formulated in response to questions of the applicationform (3 questions, 500 words each) demonstrating the applicant’s interest/commitment to gender equality in higher education. Statements should include some basic ideas/projections about potential paths towards gender transformation in their respective institutions. Applicant teams can write collective statements. A series of directive questions will be provided to guide applicants in preparing their statements.
  • A CV with a track record of previous engagement with gender equality issues in the applicant’s own higher education institution or beyond uploaded next to the form. 

Application deadline: 15 March 2021.  
Applicants will be notified about the outcome of their application by 7
th April.