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RHEA Research Seminar w/ Eva Vergaert

This seminar will dive into PhD candidate Eva Vergaert’s research titled “The ambiguity and scrutiny in documenting intimate partner violence”. It provides a critical analysis of the use of medical certificates in the prosecution of Intimate Partner Violence.
Medical certificates, like injury reports and forms for work incapacity, are documents drafted by doctors to provide official proof, necessary for victims who want to file official complaints. Despite their crucial importance in the procedure, the use of these certificates is surrounded by ambiguity. Based on qualitative research among public prosecutors, victims and GPs, her paper identifies important problems that complicate the use and value of medical certificates. This involves the emphasis on physical injuries, while the effects of psychological violence remain unrecognized. Moreover, the procedure suffers from lack of uniformity in documenting injuries. Further, GPs may feel reluctant when they feel they become instrumentalised in divorce conflicts. The ambiguity shown in our data reveals how victims of abuse are unequally scrutinized.
The RHEA research seminar will take place online via Teams and is free of charge. You will receive a Teams link the day before the seminar.
!!! Registration is mandatory !!!
For more info and registration, go to our website: https://rhea.research.vub.be/…/eva-vergaert-ambiguity…