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Video – 2021 – Gender studies in Belgium: A state of the art

Video – 2021 – Gender studies in Belgium: A state of the art


On 21 and 22 October, Sophia organised the fifth edition of Gender studies in Belgium: A state of the art.

The goal of this conference was to explore new perspectives and ongoing debates in research on gender studies, as well as to connect individuals involved in the diverse fields of gender studies in Belgium. The diverse hybrid programme offered a space for gender studies enthusiasts within and outside of academia to engage in dialogue and debates. During the online part of the conference, a selection of researchers presented their ongoing or recent research projects in 8 thematic parallel panel sessions. We also had the pleasure of welcoming Eliza Steinbock, who gave their plenary keynote lecture ‘Culture-in-Solution: Contemporary Transgender Visual Cultures and Culture Wars‘.

You can find a select overview of these video presentations and the keynote below:


Keynote lecture 


Eliza Steinbock (Maastricht University) – Culture-in-Solution: Contemporary Transgender Visual Cultures and Culture Wars


Parallel panel sessions

Session 1  Playing with power: contemporary resistance to gender justice


Ariël Decoster (UAntwerpen & UGent) – Wanneer antidiscriminatiewetten deel zijn van het probleem: over macht, gender, affirmative action en het recht

Evelien Geerts (University of Birmingham) – Pandemic times, the Flemish alt-right, and viral memetic micropolitics: An intra-sectional analysis


Session 2 Feminist embodiments 


Nina Poels (UGent) – Sexuality, gender and performance on the dance floor: a queer post-structuralist approach on reclaiming erotic dances


Josefien Cornette (UGent, LUCA School of Arts, Engagement Arts & rekto:verso) – The Subjective Mapping of Scars

Aurélie Aromatorio (ULB) – Les corps et la théorie : pour une conceptualisation féministe du corps dans le militantisme contemporain 


Session 3 Narratives and the gendered self


Margot Delaet (KUL) – A destabilization of and alternative to Butler’scritique of the supposed sex/gender-distinction in de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex

Sven Van den Bossche (UAntwerpen & UGent) – Beyond Trans Memoir: Dirkje Kuik and Renate Stoute Writing Against Medical Trans Paradigms

Liselot Casteleyn (UGent) – Challenging queer migration narratives. A case study of sexual orientation and gender identity rights in the Belgian asylum procedure


Session 4 The (historical) feminist subject & knowledge production


Isabelle Algrain (ULB) & Laura Mary (asbl Recherches et Prospections archéologiques) – Queer theory et archéologie : non binarité, transidentité et fluidité de genre dans les contextes funéraires

Elsa Roland & Serena Iacobino (ULB) – Généalogie des rapports d’assujetissement àpartir des dispositifs éducatifs pour jeunes filles, du XVIe au XIXe siècle, entre la Belgique métropolitaine et les colonies

Jossfinn Bohn, Bastien Bomans, Nicolas Duriau, Siân Lucca, Stéphanie Peel, Marie Viérin (ULB, ULiège) – Qui a peur des Gender studies ? Enjeux et méthodes des études de genre en littérature

Camille Banse (Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles & UCLouvain) – « Les poules au poulailler et le coq peut partir » : genre et éducation catholique au mariage. Le cas de la Jeunesse Indépendante Catholique Féminine des années soixante en Belgique francophone


Session 5 Flipping the script


Liselotte Van der Gucht (UGent) – “When she experiences it, it’s pathological. When he does, it’s existential.” Neurodiversity in Else Lasker-Schüler’s Mein Herz (1912)

Emma Verhoeven (UAntwerpen) – Challenging norms in women’s magazines: Producing ‘Charlie Magazine’

Els De Vos (UAntwerpen) and Barbara (Hermès) Roland (ULB) – Art-ivism : the competition and exhibition – Female symbols and urban space as strategy


Session 6 Beyond the binary


Helene Laporte (KULeuven) – The role of media and interpersonal contact on transgender atitudes and support for transgender-related policies

François Fekete de vari (USL-B & ULB) – La reconnaissance des intersexes : enjeux critiques et perspectives éthiques

Sarah Schoentjes (UGent) – Abusive requirements for gender recognition and the importance of intersectionality for human rights law: a case study of intersectionality in the ECtHR’s gender recognition cases


Session 7 Gender, rituals and spirituality


Gabriëlle de Pooter (UGent) – Motherhood Redeemed: the Micropolitics of Abortion Ritual

Florence Draguet (UCLouvain) – La Bible entre les mains des femmes : un acte révolutionnaire ? Vers une lecture genrée du texte biblique


Session 8 Revisiting the exclusionary foundations of feminism


Caroline Godart (Alternatives théâtrales) – Puissances de l’obscur: pour une poétique féministe

Emma Ydiers (UGent) – Intersectionality as a Critical Inquiry and a Praxis. Challenging White Feminist Histories in Flanders (1970-2010)